Free video manuals with Donald explaining tick@lab step by step. Clear. Straight. Easy.
Learn how to record animal use in tick@lab via the status changes, which are the legal and input requirements and how to amend a wrong status change via the animal history.
Learn how to indicate that an animal is sick, how to report this status to the responsible users and how to filter for sick animals in tick@lab.
Learn the different ways of recording an animal exit tick@lab, for both naive and used animals, and the data input required in each possibility. You will also learn how to find animal exits in the database.
Learn how to create an order to an external supplier in tick@lab, which information is needed and the different dependencies.
Learn how to submit a request for animals to an internal supplier and the differences between an external and an internal order.
Learn how to import breeding animals into tick@lab, a feature available since the build release 3269. This video will walk you through the main steps and teach you the basics to get started.